Saturday, September 29, 2012


Ecotrays are:
Economical: 20 plants comparable to the size one gets in 2L bags at a low cost per plant. Because of the deep root ball, they establish more easily than plugs or six packs.
Ergonomical: One person can carry 40 plants (a tray in each hand) making for labour saving and easy handling.
Eco-friendly: The tray itself is made of recyclable plastic, less fertilizer and water are used in their production and less diesel is used on transport if one calculates it on a per plant basis making for a smaller carbon footprint.
To get the full story and read the Ecotray (TM) brochure, click on the images below to enlarge, and scroll down if you are already familiar with this product to see pictures of the plants themselves.

Now to look at some of the handy plants in Ecos
Gazania 'Splendens Pink' R110.00 (That's R5.50 per plant!)

The ultimate standby for coastal gardens.
Gazania rigens var.uniflora R110.00 (R5.50 per plant)

This Vygie flowers for most of the year:
Malephora crocea *Burnt Orange R110.00 (R5.50 per plant)

A fine textured Plectanthus that grows well in sun or shade:
Plectranthus strigosusR122.00 (R6.10 per plant)

Ideal for covering dry banks, this succulent groundcover spreads quickly and will thrive in sun or shade.
Aptenia cordifolia R98.00 (R4.90 per plant)

An easy-growing perennial that flowers for most of the year. (R4.90 per plant)
Cineraria saxifraga R98.00
Kniphofias seem to be the flavour of the year. Snap these up!
Kniphofia 'Dwarf Yellow' R122.00 (R6.10 per plant)
These are only a few of the high quality plants listed on the Ecotray List this week. Interested? Check out the ecotray list by clicking on the link embedded in your weekly mail from us.
Till soon!

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