Friday, November 30, 2012

Top Of The Trees

Maytenus acuminata 4kg R 21.10
Common names: Silky Bark, Sybas.
A small tree or large shrub which occurs naturally in forest, on forest margins and mountain shades. The small creamy flowers are followed by fruits with bright orange or red arils. This species is useful as a small tree for suburban gardens where it will give lightly dappled shade. 

Buddleja saligna 4kg @ R 13.65  and  10kg @ R 28.55
Common names: False Olive, Witolienhout
Shrub or small tree with white or cream flowers - fast growing, attractive dark green leaves with white undersides. a tough and adaptable plant which thrives in many environments  from coastal to inland, from bushveld or grassland to wooden ravines or rocky outcrops. very adaptable and drought resistant.  

Dovyalis caffra 4kg R 13.65
Common name: Kei-apple
Small tree with large edible fruits - vicious thorns make it impenetrable hedge.

Gymnosporia buxifolia 4kg @ R 13.65  and  20kg @ R 54.10
Common names: Spike Thorn, Gewone Pendoring
A small tree with huge thorns making it an excellent impenetrable hedge.2

Heteropyxis natalensis 4kg R 21.10
Common names: Lavender Tree, Laventelboom
Lovely, neat ornamental tree, glossy green foliage which turns red in autumn. Bark and leaves - lavender scented. Small fragrant cream flowers. Good container subject for full sun, favourite bonsai choice.

 Mystroxylon aethiopicum 4kg @ R 25.25  and  10kh @ R 51.15
Common names: White silky bark, Witsybas
Usually a small tree, 4 to 5 m in height, occurring at the margins of forests, on mountainsides and among rocks. glossy, dark green leaves and very handsome. Small whitish flowers in clusters.

Psoralea pinnata 4kg R 15.30
Common name; Bloukeur
small tree with fine leaves and striking rich blue, sweet scented, pea shaped flowers.

Rhus chirindensis 4kg @ R 21.10;  10kg @ R 42.10  and  20kg @ R 84.25
Common names: Red Currant, Bostaaibos
Large tree with a neat, dense, rounded crown of glossy green leaves, attractive currant-like berries and beautiful autumn colour.

Scutia myrtina 4kg  R 16.00
Common name: Cat thorn, Katdoring
Small to medium sized tree usually multistemmed. It has hooked soines making it an excellent barrier hedge. Leaves small, glossy, small cream flowers and brown fruit.

Syzygium cordatum 10kg R 42.10
Common names: Water berry, Waterbessy
Tall, upright growth habit,  leaves tinged pink, purple fruit edible and loved by birds - good fast growing tall screen or hedge for most garden positions. Successesful  street tree.

Also ask us about Pittosporum viridiflorum 4kg and 10kg; Halleria lucida 4kg; Erythrina caffra and erythrina lysistemon 4kg and 20kg; Kiggelaria africana 4kg; Syzygium guineense 4kg; Euclea natalensis 4kg; Phoenix reclinata 4kg; Sideroxylon inerme 4kg; Dais cotinifolia 4kg; Rapanea melanophloes 20kg; Rhus pendulina 20kg; Kigelia africana 10kg; clausena anisata 20kg; Ficus ingens 20kg; Cussonia spicata 20kg; Alberta magna 4kg and 10kg.

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