Friday, June 15, 2012

Most of the Best

Here are just a couple of pictures of some interesting plants:

Veltheimia bracteata is something out of the ordinary. It thrives in dry shade and is highly frost tolerant. It's beautiful, pinkish-red, bell-shaped blooms are about to open.

When in flower, this is what they will look like:

Veltheimia bracteata 20cm R37.25
Currently available in bud.

Oxalis glabra are among the prettiest plants of the winter. As soon as they are kissed by the morning sun, their blooms open in glorious profusion.
Oxalis glabra *White 12.5cm R7.45

Lachenalias are coming into flower soon! Look at the cute buds beginning to emerge from their crowns.
Lachenalia hybrid 'Romaud 15cm  R14.80

When the flowers open, this is what they will look like:

There are many forms of Crassula muscosa: we call this one 'Rastafari' for obvious reasons! A tough little succulent with fun foliage.
Crassula muscosa var. Rastafarii 12.5cm  R7.50

This is our South African version of the dusty miller: a mound forming perennial with silver-white foliage and contrasting yellow flowers.
Cineraria sp. 'Silver Star' 4kg R11.85

Tecoma 'Rocky Horror' has the largest flowers and the fastest growth tempo of all the tecomas. The bright red flowers attract sunbirds.
Tecoma capensis'Rocky Horror' 10kg  R36.60

Get some winter sunshine into your life! Big, beautiful Euryops pectinatus are looking fabulous in 10kg bags.
Euryops pectinatus 10kg  R22.50

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