Sunday, November 25, 2012


This NEW hybrid Cape Fuchsias are very compact and free flowering and are available in yellow and deep rose at the moment. Dark, glossy foliage. These hybrids flower on and off all year.
Phylgelius 'Candy Drops Yellow' [PBR] 15cm  R 15.30

Phylgelius 'Candy Drop Deep Rose' PBR 15cm  R 15.30

Low growing shrublet with lacy green foliage and masses of small, radiant orange 'doll rose' flowers. Very showy in flower. Neat in mixed borders and wonderful in raised beds or loffelstein where the pendulous blooms show off  to their best advantage. 
Hemannia muricata 15cm R 12.80

Common name Honey Bells. With its fine bright green foliage and dainty, salmon orange, cup-shaped, honey-scented flower, this fast growing ground cover is a delight in every garden - full sun or semi-shade prostrate.
Hermannia pinnata 15cm R 10.75 

Extinct in the wild, this exquisite Erica is however, easy to cultivate and worth having in every garden.
Erica verticillata'African Fanfare'=E. verticillata 'Kew' 20cm R 37.80

Stiff, compact little shrub, forms soft mounds covered in long lasting yellow daisy flowers, winter-spring.
Oedera imbricata 15cm R 12.80

Common name Butterfly Bush, Ertjiebos. Attractive, branched shrub with interesting caudate leaves and dark magenta, pea shaped flowers. Typical fynbos component, beautiful with restios and Leucodendron ssp. 
Polygala fruticosa 15cm R 15.30

This hybrid range of Ivy Geraniums is a winner! Disease resistant, self-branching and vigorous, they are a pleasure to grow and will reward you with large, colourful blooms almost all year a round. Ideal for hanging baskets  patio pots, or as a cascading ground cover.
Pelargonium peltatum 'Colourcade' [PBR] 15cm R 15.30

Very easy to grow tuberous Pelargonium with pretty, velvet textured round grey leaves, forming soft mounds with delightful bright magenta flowers from spring to autumn.Easy and rewarding to cultivate.
 Pelargonium reniforme 15cm R 12.80

A delightful succulent groundcover with beautiful, large, bright pink flowers. 
Lampranthus spectabilis *Bright Pink available in 15cm @  R 9.20 and in 
12.5cm @  R 7.55

Common name Geel blombos. Decorative, stiffly upright branches of rich green foliage proudly carry bright, golden yellow honey-scented flowerheads on their ends. Longlasting scented cutflowers loved by birds and butterflies alike. Excellent water wise shrub, ideal for sandy coastal gardens 
Athanasia dentata 15cm  R 10.75

A splendid display is made by the silver foliage of this erect, mound forming, shrublet especially when topped with shiny, papery white or pink flowers. They flower all summer, but need a trim from time to time to encourage full growth. A must for fynbos and coastal gardens and flowers are useful on gifts, greeting cards or in po pourri.
Syncarpha paniculata 4kg R 12.80

This selections is a great improvement on M. unidentata, a charming ground cover with lush, dense, green foliage and masses of dark purple viola like flowers on cascading stems all summer and into autumn. Excellent hanging basket subject.
Monopsis 'Royal Flush'[PBR] 15cm R 12.80

 Selago glomerata 4kg  R10.75
Butterflies adorn this constantly flowering perennial, making a stunning shoe. They havefine textured leaves and abundant mauve flowers in terminal clusters.

Common name River Stars, Otterbossie. Attractive perennial with narrow gray-green leaves on erect branches and pretty, scented white flowers in summer.
Gomphostigma virgata 15cm R 10.75

Strong, dense shrubs to 1m with hairy leaves and magenta flowers. Easy to cultivate, an attractive and rewarding addition especially for windy coastal gardens. 
Pelargonium cucullatum 4kg R 12.80

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