Friday, September 7, 2012

Spring into Spring!

The nursery is bubbling over with blooms! Our production divisions lay out displays of all their best plants and the bulbs department are this week's winners! Just look at that background of Ixias and the striking contrast with the unusual paintbrush flowers of the Scadoxus!
Best of all, the Scadoxus are being offered at a massively discounted special price!
Scadoxus puniceus 20cm @ R27.50 and 25cm @ R35.00 / Ixia hybrid  4kg @  R13.25
Creeping Gazania rigens are adapatable and hardy, even thriving on the first dune along the seafront. This white form is something slightly out of the ordinary.
Gazania rigens *White 15cm  R8.85

Sewejaartjies or everlastings are among South Africans' favorites! Pretty Syncarpha argenteus has pink buds that open to reveal white petals. The papery flowers can be used to brighten up pot-pourri or add that special touch to greeting cards or gifts. This shrublet is also perfect in rockeries. These easy plants can be offered with confidence to those who garden in harsh conditions!
Syncarpha argenteus  15cm R17.40
White confetti bushes are covered with flowers at this time of the year. These truly delightful plants are a must-have!
Coleonema album 15cm R17.15 
Pretty, fast growing and tough, this little ground cover is great for low maintenance gardens and landscapes. It's also a good trailing plant in raised beds or loffelstein.
Stachys aethiopica  15cm R8.85
Get these bushy, flowering Tecomas to give your clients a well-finished plant with a good branching structure. Good beginnings produce great results!
Tecoma capensis *Pink Blush  10kg  R24.30

This red data plant is yet another example of how horticulture can assist in conservation of species. Click here to read an interesting article from SANBI about the rescuing of this nearly extinct species and to see pictures of the flowers when open. Our plants are currently in bud.
Freylinia visserii 20cm  R32.45

The flowers are opening, and very soon, these cheerful garden perennial will be absolutely covered in bright yellow blooms.
Cineraria saxifraga 15cm  R8.85

No introduction needed here, but do look at the masses of buds to follow the currently open blooms.
Euryops pictinatus 10kg R24.30
That's it for now! Thanks for visiting our blog!

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