Monday, August 20, 2012

Spring, Glorious Spring!

Yes! It's arbour month - and here is the Tree tag we've been talking about. Remember that there is also a special tag for Portulacarias. Grow your tree sales this month while everyone's talking trees!

 Scabiosa in Pink and Blue are lovely. Celebrate spring with these lovely, 'country gaden' plants - there are plenty of flowers and buds to follow.
Scabiosa columbaria 'Blutterfly Pink Mist' 15cm  R15.30 

Windmill-petalled, 'Spider' Osteospermums always fascinate. Remember to keep well watered on the shop-floor or after planting. They will become drought tolerant once their roots have established in natural soil. If lower leaves tend to turn yellow, increase your watering frequency to obtain maximum shelf-life!
Osteospermum Flower Power 'Spider Purple' 15cm R15.30

Cineraria saxifraga is a wonderful garden plant that just keeps flowering: cheerful, low priced colour! 
Cineraria saxifraga 15cm  R8.85

Euryops will continue to flower into the summer. Enjoy the sunshine-yellow flowers after grey winter days!
Europs pectinatus 10kg  R24.30

Confetti bushes are at their peak of flowering. Always a winner.
Coleonema album 15cm  R17.15

Magnificent Tecoma 'Rocky Horror' with its huge flowers and glossy leaves are in prime condition.
Tecoma capensis 'Pink Blush  10kg  R24.30

The beauty of Babianas add to the joys of spring. These unusual bulbs in flower are excellent 'impulse buys' in garden centres.
Babiana 'Lonely Hill Hybrids' 15cm  R16.00

Creeping Gazania rigens are a garden and landscape standby. Ideal for coastal situations, they will grow right on the sea front. Elsewhere, they can be relied on for their tolerance of a variety of soils and their drought hardiness. Here we have a very unusual colour:

Gazania Rigens 'White' 15cm  R8.85

Another coastal plant with a variety of applications: this pretty, pale-pink vygie grows well in brackish soils and is found growing in salty esturies where they experience everything from very damp to very dry conditions.
Disphyma crassifolium 15cm  R9.20

Tecoma capensis *Pink Blush 4kg  R12.80
Lemon yellow flowers on tall, glossy leafed shrub. Exelent as a hedge or interplanted with plumbago.

Spiloxene aquatica available in 15cm @  R14.05 and 25cm @ R27.80
We are thrilled with this lovely little evergreen bulbous plant! The gorgeous flowers float like white stars above the tuft of dark green, chive-like leaves. It thrives with its feet in water, making it an ideal pond-side feature plant, especially for those little water features that can make a shady garden so alluring.

Everybody loves Everlastings or 'Sewejaartjies'. Syncarpha argenteus has pink buds, but the flowers are white when open. The plant has silver foliage and a mound-forming growth habit that makes it an attractive addition to mixed borders or rockery plantings.
Syncarpha argenteus  15cm  R17.40